
In Python, there isn't a function equivalent to log2(3). You say

import math
def log2(n):
  math.log(n) / math.log(2)

to get x in n = 2**x. I didn't know but it's quite common. I must study mathematic more.

But I guess it is slow because it contains divisions. When you want to know logrithm of n in 2 by integer, for instance shortest bit size of integer n,

int int_log2(char n){
  int mostleftbit = 7;
  while(mostleftbit >= 0){
    if(n == (0x01 << mostleftbit)){
      return mostleftbit;
    if(n & (0x01 << mostleftbit)){
      return mostleftbit + 1;
  return 0;

does well. int_log2(5) returns 3 and int_log2(2) returns 1. Note that the result is the ceil of log(n) / log(2).