how to enforce draggable() object to fixed position

I'm using the jquery library these days. It is quite good designed, I believe. But sometimes you would feel it lacks what you'd like to do, especially it is in the very localized problem.
I recommend you to read the original code in such case. The jquery code feeds you very good code reading experience.

So, I was stucked in jquery.ui.draggable. The problem was draggable options "grid" doesn't behave as I expected. My element object was located (x, y) = (52, 110) for example, and told $("#obj").draggable({grid: [2, 2]}) but it moves around like (53, 108), (51, 109)... and so on. Doesn't it mean snap to the grid I told?? I expected the element will be (x, y) = (even, even). The ui.draggable.js 5194 says

drag: function(e) {
	//Compute the helpers position
	this.position = { top: e.pageY -, left: e.pageX - this.offset.left };
	this.positionAbs = { left: e.pageX - this.clickOffset.left, top: e.pageY - };

	//Call plugins and callbacks
	this.position = this.propagate("drag", e) || this.position;
	$(this.helper).css({ left: this.position.left+'px', top:'px' }); // Stick the helper to the cursor
	if($.ui.ddmanager) $.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, e);
	return false;

around lines 224-238. The essence is

	this.position = this.propagate("drag", e) || this.position;
	$(this.helper).css({ left: this.position.left+'px', top:'px' }); // Stick the helper to the cursor

which tells you that jquery calls your option-drag function and sets the returned value to its position property if any, then check constraints like bounding box and updates actual css position of the element.

I wrote like:

var scale = 2;
//	grid: [scale, scale], 
	drag: function(e, ui){
		self.config.x = parseInt(ui.position.left / scale);
		self.config.y = parseInt( / scale);
		/* this is actually used for the element positions */
		return {
			top: self.config.y * scale, 
			left: self.config.x * scale};

so that the updated position (x, y) must be (even, even).

Hack jquery!