
Improved way to use transitional values in user function

Once before, I said Use of global variable in user function - umitanuki::quartet Be careful to use global variable and avoid it as long as possible! I found a way to keep transitional value during user function calls. The hint was in fmgr.…

Creating DLL written by C including C++ header

It's my own memorandom. Sometimes you must build dll or so called by c binary. Everything is OK as long as you are playing with c. But once you face to use external c++ library, be bit careful.I struggled for hours and found that a fact: #…

OreScript published

OreScript時代の幕開け - yukobaのブログ In the article above, a proposal of new paradigm in client side scripting. Yesterday an application was published as an experimental one.http://jtb.co.jp/kihin/see html source. Hope this will be a goo…