Heated-up Matz's blog

Matz quoted http://mindblind.net/2008/01/24/attacking-php/ in his blog. Against his opinion, many people say like "PHP is a poor language", "PHP is not so bad", "PHPers are bad" or "PHPers are not so stupid". The blog was heated up.


Don't monkey around Web application.

Anyone doesn't notice but they talk about "language" and "language community". For open source products, especially such as programming languages, sometime product itself and its community should be argued separately.
PHP is a bad language?
PHPers are not so wise?
Or, PHPers are not so wise because PHP is not so well-designed?
Or, PHP is a good language (some people call it a "tool"), though PHPers have low-esteemed culture?

Discussion should have been between "PHP" and "PHPers" but they were confused, including Matz.

In the other hand, I love Python more and more these days. There are some reasons:

  • Stoic grammar
  • Simple idioms
  • Useful standard modules
  • Wise community/users

The first one about grammer may let their thumbs both up and down. The last reason above is the most important thing to me. Googling by like "python xml", very simple answers are responded. For example Perl, there is full of useless explanations and snippets on the web. Visual Basic has the same situation. Pythonistas are relatively smart, I feel.

The only point I wonder about Python community is that it doesn't have a repository like CPAN, Gems, or PEAR. Yes, Python's standard modules are very sophisticated and cover large areas of problem. And many of external modules will be installed easily. I need to find out why, writing code more.

Mainly I agree with Matz, and I don't write PHP because it doesn't excite me at all.