
"string" and "String" and java.lang.String

js> var s = "abc"; abc js> s = new String(s); abc js> s == new String("abc"); false js> typeof s object js> s instanceof String true js> s = s.toString(); abc js> typeof s string js> s == "abc"; true js> s = new java.lang.String("abc"); ab…

how to enforce draggable() object to fixed position

I'm using the jquery library these days. It is quite good designed, I believe. But sometimes you would feel it lacks what you'd like to do, especially it is in the very localized problem. I recommend you to read the original code in such c…

OreScript published

OreScript時代の幕開け - yukobaのブログ In the article above, a proposal of new paradigm in client side scripting. Yesterday an application was published as an experimental one. html source. Hope this will be a goo…

Copy URL & Title and create Link

javascript:clipboardData.setData("Text",'<a href="'+location+'" target="_blank">'+document.title+'</a>');undefined;

attributes on "script" nodes on IE and Firefox

I was writing such code: var nodes = (document.documentElement || document).getElementsByTagName("script"); for(var i=0; i